COVID-19 Statement

FabCab serves the U.S. and Canadian markets. Utilizing cloud-based platforms, we can and often do work remotely with clients, manufacturers and builders. We continue to collaborate and coordinate with you on your project as normal. Our suppliers are considered essential businesses and are operating at full capacity.

Until recently, we have offered in-person office visits for clients and those considering working with us on new projects. However, in accordance with guidance from the Governor of Washington State, and out of respect for others, their families, and our essential health care workers, we are presently only available for phone visits and video-conferencing (e.g., Zoom) until further notice.

We look forward to resuming in-person office meetings. In the meantime, please connect with us by phone (206) 275-2345 or send us an email at

Thank you for your interest in our work. And please stay safe in these unprecedented times.

-FabCab team

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